Speeding and Teen Drivers Are Still a Deadly Combination

Inexperienced teen drivers need to learn to slow down. A recent study confirms that speed is still one of the leading causes of car accidents involving teen drivers.

Speeding is a primary factor in a third of fatal automobile crashes involving teen drivers, according to a new report from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). From 2000 to 2011, 19,447 fatal crashes of teen drivers were attributed to speed. The report’s lead author, Dr. Susan Ferguson, former senior vice president of research for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, stressed, "Curbing teen speeding is vital since no other age group has a higher crash risk. Speeding is a common factor in the fatal crashes of teen male and female drivers." Dr. Ferguson continued, "Speeding is more prevalent among teen males, at night, and in the presence of other teen passengers.

When three or more teen passengers are in a vehicle driven by a 16-year-old male, almost half of their fatal crashes are speeding-related." Given the serious risks, the GHSA report offers the following tips for parents of teen drivers: Have serious discussions about the importance of observing all traffic laws, demonstrate by example, and establish family rules and consequences for breaking laws.

Avoid allowing teens to have primary access to a vehicle for at least the first year of independent driving. Make safety the primary consideration when selecting a car. Consider the many options for in-vehicle speed monitoring devices both in the after-market and increasingly as original vehicle equipment. Consider participation in incentive-based insurance programs that monitor the following:

  • Usage
  • Braking/acceleration
  • Speed

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