Boating With Kids Requires Additional Safety Precautions

Boats are a wonderful way for Florida families to bond and enjoy the outdoors. However, boating with children requires additional precautions to make sure everyone stays safe on the water.

Children are particularly vulnerable in a boating accident because they are often not strong swimmers. They are also more likely to be thrown overboard in a Florida boat collision or rough seas.

In Florida, a child under the age of six must wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device while a vessel is underway. However, it is good practice to require all children to wear a life jacket.

Other tips for boating with children include:

  • Explain some basic boat rules and have everyone follow them, such as keeping their hands and feet inside the boat at all times and not running on a boat.
  • Enroll older kids in a boating safety course. Set a good example by exercising good judgment on the water, including refraining from alcohol consumption.
  • Make sure there's a working carbon monoxide alarm on any motorboat to alert your family to any buildup of toxic fumes from the engine.
  • Let your teen operate a boat only in a supervised setting and in adherence to the laws in your area.
  • Make sure an adult is present whenever a teen is operating a personal watercraft. Source:

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