Picking the wrong lawyer for your personal injury case can happen. Sometimes people pick attorneys because of advertising, and sometimes a choice is made based on a referral from a friend. But, the best personal injury attorney for you is the one that you know, like, trust, and truly feel has your best interests at heart.
If you feel stuck with the wrong attorney, you might be wondering if you can switch lawyers in the middle of a case. The answer is that you can decide to hire someone else to represent you in your personal injury case. Further, I believe you should hire a different lawyer if the one you are currently working with isn’t working within your best interests or you have lost your trust.
When to Hire Someone Else
There are a few circumstances when hiring a different lawyer to pick up where another one left off makes sense. Here are some of those situations:
- You believe that your lawyer isn’t listening to you or doesn’t want to hear what you have to say
- Your lawyer isn’t returning your phone calls.
- You feel like your lawyer doesn’t have enough experience
- You’ve hired someone that doesn’t understand your case
- You don’t get any personal attention from your lawyer
There are many other circumstances where hiring a different lawyer makes sense, but these are some of the most common. So how do you go about changing lawyers in the middle of a case?
How to Switch Lawyers
- Find a new lawyer before you get rid of your old one. Do Not let your Attorney know that you are shopping around. You don’t want to be stuck mid-case without any kind of representation.
- Be certain that the person you’re about to hire has experience in personal injury law. Ask about past experiences in the exact type of case that you have, and be certain that you are hiring someone that’s competent.
- Most importantly, is the Attorney that you are considering hiring someone you are willing to listen to, who will listen to you, and who you are comfortable with and who you truly trust to handle this matter for you? If not, find a different option.
Let Us Help You
If you are in need of a new personal injury lawyer in the state of Florida, let the Dellutri Law Group help you. We are here to make sure that you are compensated fairly and justly for whatever situation you may be in. We also offer a completely free case evaluation - just call us to set up an appointment.