Foreclosure Defense

Foreclosure Defense Attorneys in Florida

Providing Strategic Solutions During the Florida Foreclosure Process

Have you been served foreclosure papers on the home you spent years raising your family in? Are you struggling with what you are going to do now that the mortgage company is knocking on the door?

At The Dellutri Law Group, PA, our Florida foreclosure lawyers believe that life’s unexpected financial hardship should never strip someone of the roots they have planted over time.

So, what’s next? Where do you go from here?

Let our foreclosure law firm walk you through the journey of strategic foreclosure defense. We have a foreclosure defense attorney near you who can help protect your home.

Download our eBook, Foreclosure? It Doesn't Mean You Lose Your Home, or contact us at (800) 391-4337 to request a free consultation with one of our Florida foreclosure defense lawyers. We will walk you through the Florida foreclosure process.

Why Choose The Dellutri Law Group for Foreclosure Defense?

When facing the threat of foreclosure, it is crucial to have experienced and knowledgeable attorneys on your side. At The Dellutri Law Group, we specialize in foreclosure defense and have a proven track record of helping clients protect their homes and navigate the complex legal process.

Here are some reasons why you should choose us:

  • Expertise: Our foreclosure defense lawyers in Florida are highly skilled in foreclosure laws and regulations. We stay updated on the latest legal developments to provide you with the best possible defense strategies.
  • Personalized solutions: We understand that every foreclosure case is unique. Our attorneys take the time to understand your specific situation and tailor our strategies to your needs. We will work closely with you to develop a comprehensive defense plan.
  • Proven results: We have a successful track record of helping clients stop foreclosure and achieve favorable outcomes. Our attorneys have extensive experience negotiating with lenders, filing bankruptcy petitions, and representing clients in court.
  • Compassionate support: We know that facing foreclosure can be emotionally challenging. Our attorneys and staff are committed to providing compassionate support throughout the process. We will guide you every step of the way and ensure that your rights are protected.
  • Free strategy session for Bankruptcy, Estate Planning, and Personal Injury: We offer free consultations where you can discuss your foreclosure case with one of our attorneys. This session allows us to evaluate your situation and provide you with an initial assessment of your options.

Don't wait until it's too late. Contact The Dellutri Law Group today to schedule your free strategy session and protect your home with experienced foreclosure defense attorneys.

How Does Foreclosure Defense Work?

We have a feeling if you are here reading this page, you’re probably stressed out beyond belief, so how about an ice breaker? Let’s start with a joke; even attorneys love a good lawyer joke.

What’s the difference between an accountant and a lawyer? Accountants know they are boring!

Ba-Dum-Dum. Alright, back to the serious stuff.

The foreclosure process in Florida can be a confusing and intimidating. Let us assure you, though, that our foreclosure defense attorneys have years of legal experience and have defended countless families from foreclosure proceedings. When it comes to foreclosure defense, our Florida foreclosure law firm employs strategic foreclosure solutions designed solely for the protection of homeowners’ rights.

As you may know, the foreclosure process is initiated when a mortgage company files a foreclosure lawsuit against an individual who has been unable to make their regular loan payments on time. The foreclosure lawsuit will essentially seek to force the sale of a home so that lenders can reclaim what they are owed. Fortunately, with the help of experienced foreclosure attorneys, you may be able to avoid this outcome.

Our Florida foreclosure attorneys can help you develop an effective foreclosure defense strategy by:

  • Analyzing the facts and legal documents of your foreclosure case.
  • Negotiating a loan modification or foreclosure alternative that works best for you.
  • Determining if foreclosure defenses exist in your case.
  • Utilizing foreclosure defense strategies, such as filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, to protect and defend your home in court.

What is Strategic Foreclosure Defense?

Foreclosure defense is quite simple. In fact, let us explain to you how foreclosure works. Once you receive a notice from your mortgage company that your home is in the foreclosure process, it is time to take action IMMEDIATELY. Although every foreclosure is different, most foreclosure cases end with a sale date. This means that you have very limited time to seek legal help to attempt to save your property.

Surely, these past few weeks, months, and maybe even years have been rough on you. Our foreclosure lawyers are here to let you know that the future can be brighter. If you want to consult with an experienced foreclosure defense attorney in Florida, contact The Dellutri Law Group, PA.

When you choose The Dellutri Law Group, PA to guide you through the foreclosure defense process, we will:

  • Listen to your concerns
  • Strategically plan a way forward
  • Help restore your peace of mind

Our Florida foreclosure law firm is here to help you and guide you through the process of stopping foreclosure on your home or another property, so don’t wait! Contact us today to learn how a foreclosure defense lawyer can help you navigate the Florida foreclosure law process.

Woman reading notice outside her home - foreclosure defenseHow Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Can Stop the Foreclosure Process

Did you know Chapter 13 bankruptcy can save your home from the foreclosure process? It’s true! Filing for Chapter 13 stops foreclosure on your home, at least temporarily, while you attempt to work out the details of your debt consolidation payment.

What is a debt consolidation payment? When filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you are able to include the back mortgage payments into your bankruptcy to get up to date and save the home; however, it is important to know that you will need to earn enough income to make your current mortgage payment at the same time you are paying off your past-due debts. As long as you can make both payments, Chapter 13 will help you avoid foreclosing on your home and bringing the past-due mortgage payments to current.

Common Causes of Foreclosure

Foreclosure is a stressful process, but you are not alone. Several people who go through this process overcome their circumstances, especially with help from experienced Florida foreclosure attorneys.

There are a few common causes of foreclosure, including the following:

  • Medical bills from illness or injury leading to lack of funds
  • Expensive divorces
  • Losing your job or loss of money in another way
  • Decline of a family business
  • Death of a partner or other family member

Remember that if you are facing foreclosure for the reasons above or another reason not listed, that you and your family have options available to you. You should speak to a foreclosure defense attorney in Florida immediately to learn more about these legal options. Our firm will work to help you, contact us today.

Questions to Ask Yourself During the Florida Foreclosure Process

The foreclosure defense process can be complex, but it’s important that you know your rights. If you are facing foreclosure, we recommend asking yourself these questions:

  • What should your next steps be?
  • What rights do you have as the homeowner during this process?
  • Are you willing to talk to a foreclosure defense attorney who actually sues the mortgage companies and even their attorneys when they cross the line?
  • Would you be interested in finding out how to protect your home?

At The Dellutri Law Group, PA, we like to say we provide hope to those who have lost it. These questions, and many others will all be answered for you when you come and see a foreclosure defense lawyer for a free consultation.

Here is what a former client has to say about working with The Dellutri Law Group, PA:

“As a local Realtor who comes in contact with many situations requiring attorney consultation and action, I was thoroughly impressed with the level of service, knowledge and results that I received from Dellutri Law Group. I will recommend them to my clients and would certainly use them again!” -H.A.

Read more of our success stories here.

Exploring Alternatives to Foreclosure

At The Dellutri Law Group, we understand that facing foreclosure can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. However, there are alternatives to foreclosure that can help you protect your home and financial future. Our experienced foreclosure defense attorneys can guide you through these options and help you make informed decisions. Some alternatives to foreclosure include:

  • Mortgage modification: Modifying the terms of your mortgage can make your monthly payments more affordable and help you avoid foreclosure.
  • Short sale: Selling your home for less than the amount owed on your mortgage can be a viable option to avoid foreclosure and minimize the impact on your credit.
  • Deed in lieu of foreclosure: In this option, you voluntarily transfer the ownership of your home to the lender to avoid foreclosure. This can help you avoid the negative consequences of foreclosure on your credit.
  • Loan forbearance: With loan forbearance, your lender agrees to temporarily reduce or suspend your mortgage payments while you get back on your feet financially.

Our foreclosure lawyers in Florida will assess your unique situation and help you explore these alternatives to foreclosure. We will work tirelessly to protect your home and provide you with the best possible outcome.

All Foreclosure Defense Attorneys Are Not the Same

At The Dellutri Law Group, PA, we believe in offering our time and resources to individuals who are willing to spend some of their valuable time talking to us. If you’re willing to take the time to come and meet with us, our Florida foreclosure defense attorneys pledge to exceed your expectations, and we will do it all at no cost to you. Not sure what specific questions to ask when looking for your perfect attorney? Download a copy of our free eBook, How Do I Choose an Attorney to Defend My Rights?

Here is a sneak peek of what to expect when hiring The Dellutri Law Group, PA to handle your foreclosure case:

  • The process is seamless and most importantly, simple.
  • Your attorney will spend time sitting down with you to explain the best strategy for your case.
  • You will learn about all the defenses that are available to you.
  • If you choose not to fight the foreclosure, for whatever reason, you will leave our office with an alternate plan of action with the other options that are available for you to pursue.
  • If it is determined that fighting the foreclosure is the recommendation of the attorney, we will answer every single question you bring and will discuss in detail, a plan of action, and thorough explanations of the strategies and defenses that will be used and implemented on your behalf regarding your case. You’ll find out how the court will most likely respond to your situation (we’ve done this enough that we usually have a good idea) and circumstances. You’ll also be given a timeline and expected date of completion.
  • At the conclusion of your strategic foreclosure defense session, you will leave with a plan of action.
  • You will leave with the knowledge you need, peace of mind, and a strategy for your personal game plan moving forward.

The most important part of the foreclosure process is to NOT IGNORE IT. As easy as it may seem to pretend nothing is happening, doing so can lead to serious consequences. We want to get you on the road to not only a fresh start but also financial freedom.

Often, our Florida foreclosure attorneys find that people ignore what they could have fought because they think they can just go out and purchase a cheaper home within their means. While we think living within your means is ideal, that is not a very solid plan when it comes to strategizing your best move regarding a foreclosure. Defaulting on a loan will hurt your credit score, rendering it tough to get another loan. It's not impossible, but it will take some time to rebuild.

To learn more, including how our Florida foreclosure defense lawyers can help you, request a free consultation; call us today at (800) 391-4337.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q:Can an attorney stop a foreclosure?

    A:Yes, an attorney can stop a foreclosure, even in circumstances where you may not think one can. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to speak to an attorney when faced with a foreclosure, no matter what. A few routes you may take with an attorney are reinstating the loan, filing for bankruptcy, and redeeming the property.

  • Q:Do I need a foreclosure attorney?

    A:Foreclosure is a big deal. There is a lot on the line, and there is a lot to navigate. Naturally, we’re going to recommend legal assistance in all circumstances. It is very important that you not ignore an impending foreclosure and form a strong plan of action with an attorney so that you can come out on top.

  • Q:How long does the average foreclosure process take?

    A:The average foreclosure process in Florida takes between 4 and 6 months to complete. However, your foreclosure may be shorter than that or take over a year. It’s really going to depend on the details of your case.

  • Q:What is involved in the foreclosure process?

    A:The foreclosure process starts when the borrower begins missing payments. After 120, lenders can issue a notice of default and file the Summons and Complaint. It’s in the borrower’s best interest at this point to find an attorney. The borrower has 20 days to respond. The next steps include motion for summary judgment, foreclosure trial, foreclosure sale and a deficiency judgement.

The Dellutri Difference

  • Experience & Passion on Your Side

    Our dedicated team of lawyers, paralegals, assistants, & staff have been fighting on behalf of our clients since 1998.

  • A Culture of Philanthropy

    In order to give back to our community, each employee at our firm is granted the opportunity to sponsor a charitable cause of their choosing.

  • Communication You Can Count On

    We believe that our clients deserve clear and consistent communication every step of the way, without any unnecessary "legalese."

  • Service Tailored to Your Needs

    We sincerely care about each and every one of our clients and refuse to treat them like a case file to be passed from person to person.

  • A Healthy Firm Culture

    When our employees are happy to come to work, we know that they are capable of overcoming any challenge on behalf of our clients.

  • Free Consultations

    ​Explore your legal options with confidence at Dellutri Law Group, where we offer free consultations.

Get a Complimentary Strategy Session

Our firm is singularly focused on our clients and will stop at nothing to fight for the future that they deserve. Let our attorneys fight for your future next.

Meet Your Attorneys

Committed to Making Our Community a Better Place
  • Carmen  Dellutri Photo
    Carmen Dellutri


    If you know Carmen Dellutri, you know he is passionate about a lot of things. He gives back often- to his community, his employees, and his loved ones. Carmen has mentioned time and time again that the reason he became an Attorney, and specifically a Personal Injury and Bankruptcy Attorney, is because he loves to help others.
  • Amanda  Downing Photo
    Amanda Downing


    Amanda Downing doesn’t mince words and says what she means when it comes to the opposing side. She has the biggest heart and will fight tooth and nail to bring justice for her clients. “I hate having to go to bat for those victims, because they never should have been put in that situation to begin with. It’s just completely unfair.”