Florida's New Foreclosure Law

On July 1, 2013, Florida's New Foreclosure Law went into effect. The new law is supposed to provide a streamlined process for foreclosure cases. There will be less hearings (supposedly), and foreclosures that have been hanging around for years will be whipped through the system.

There is no reason to argue over the constitutionality of the bill right now as it is the law of Florida until it is declared unconstitutional. Therefore, we have been working diligently to prepare for the first case that walks through our doors. There are a few things that consumers can say are friendly to them; however, the entire bill is slanted toward the banks and mortgage companies. I know you are shocked that the state of Florida elected officials would put a slanted bill on the Governor's desk, but it's true. Now, we as your attorneys are going to hold the banks and mortgage companies' feet to the fire. We intend to continue holding them to the letter of the law.

It is more important than ever to see an attorney if you are expecting or have just received foreclosure papers. Why? Because the failure to do so could put you on the fast track to losing your home, and I do mean the FAST TRACK! I am very interested to see how the courts will interpret the new foreclosure law. I am sure some judges will see the homeowner's arguments as more persuasive on some points, and the creditor's arguments as more persuasive on the others. I am only concerned with saving my client's homes and/or getting them the best deal possible. As with everything else, no one chooses to be in foreclosure, but you do get to choose your lawyer.

At the Dellutri Law Group, we can analyze your current situations from several different prospectives, and we can provide you with all of your options on how best to proceed. However, we cannot help until you call. So pick up the phone and call (800) 391-4337 and call us right now to set up a FREE consultation.
