Important Questions to Ask Your Home Insurance Agent

Buying a home insurance policy is something that every homeowner has to do. But it’s really not something that you should rush into doing simply because you need to have one. I’m not going to lie to you - spending time shopping for a home insurance policy is long and tiring. Once you hit the third company you may be inclined to just throw in the towel simply to avoid one more tedious phone call!

I’d like to caution you against this method of signing on the dotted line, though. There are so many different factors included in any one home insurance policy that it’s really important to go through each and everyone to make sure you really are getting the best deal (sure, the policy might be cheap but are you really as covered as you think you are?

We are going to create a more thorough download of this article for you to print out or have on-screen when talking to your home insurance agent. But we also wanted to give you some of the main things to ask a future home insurance agent before you decide on any one policy.

Top 5 Things to Ask

  1. The ‘Right to Repair’ clause. This one's a doozy. Make sure that you know who has the right to repair your home when repairs are needed. You may not have a choice when it comes to hiring a contractor. If you don’t ask about anything else, ask this question!
  2. What’s excluded? Insurance companies will try to sell you on what is included in policy (and this often works), but what’s not included? When are you not covered? Find out.
  3. Are some items under a ‘limited coverage’ clause? Things like electronics and jewelry might not be as covered as much as you would like them to be.
  4. If some things are not included can you purchase additional coverage?
  5. Are discounts available? Why not ask? Sometimes a discount or two is available depending on a number of factors including where you live and proximity to things like a fire station or police station.

Make sure to check back on this blog for the more extensive ‘Read This Before Buying Home Insurance’ download. Trust me, there are some things that you do not want to be included in your home insurance plan!
