Financial Infidelity: How Can I Tell It Is Happening?

Take Our Quiz

Are you concerned that your spouse might be committing Financial Infidelity? Take our quiz below and answer a few questions to find out if this is something you should potentially be concerned with. Of course, this is just a guideline and we are by no means giving you relationship advice, that’s not really our style. 😊

Learn more about Financial Infidelity by clicking here.

Add your responses on the list below:

  1. A(2), B(1), C(3)
  2. A(3), B(2), C(1)
  3. A(2), B(1), C(3)
  4. A(2), B(3), C(1)
  5. A(2), B(3), C(1)
  6. A(3), B(2), C(1)
  7. A(3), B(2), C(1)

The List below shows the risk of Financial Infidelity you have:

  • 0-7= Low Risk
  • 8-14= Moderate risk
  • 15-21= High risk