A jury awarded Rodolfo Vallardes $3.3 million in damages for Bank Of America's negligence. Mr. Vallardes walked into a Bank of America in Aventura Florida to cash a $100 check. At the time, he was wearing a Miami Heat hat. He didn't produce a weapon. He didn't demand any money. He simply handed over his check and his I.D., and the teller tripped the silent alarm.
The defense argued that all bank tellers were on high alert because of several bank robberies in the area by a Hispanic male wearing a Miami Heat hat. The jury wasn't buying it at all. The jury awarded Mr. Vallardes damages for his injuries. Yes, he was injured. Mr. Vallardes stated that the police arrived and were extremely physical with him resulting in bodily injuries that are still with him to this day. I say this is a great result. It shows that our jury system still works.