Law Student Sues New York State Board of Law Examiners After Failing Bar Exam

A former Harvard University law student, Tamara Wyche, is suing the New York State Board of Law Examiners after failing the bar exam two times. Wyche claims that the environment provided during the exams was not conducive to taking the exams. 

The Details

Wyche claims that the New York State Board failed to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act when they did not provide her with a separate room to take the exams. Wyche suffers from anxiety and depression in addition to memory loss due to an ATV accident. She claims that she asked for special accommodations when she applied for the exams and included notes from doctors.

Wyche wanted a separate exam room, 50% extra time to take the exam, and the ability to stop the clock when necessary. Prior to the two failed exams, Wyche had an offer from a top-tier law firm that would have resulted in a starting salary of $160,000. After failing the exam twice, her offer was revoked. 

Passing The Exam

Wyche finally passed the exam after she was given the proper accommodations, but she has been unable to gain a substantial job offer. She claims that her lower wage and temporary positions are a direct result of not having passed the exams the first time around. The board claims that they meet as many requests as possible and that they are sensitive to the needs of disabled students.
